Investment Management

As an independent firm that adheres to the fiduciary standard of care, MJT & Associates constructs portfolios free from limitations that will help accomplish your plan, not ours.

​Our firm has chosen to work on a fee-based approach, which means your portfolio's success is directly tied to our success as your advisor. We strive to design and manage portfolios aligned with your risk tolerance level and maximize gains while minimizing losses. You can rest easy knowing our recommendations are made solely in your best interest.

As markets fluctuate and your needs evolve, our credentialed professionals will be there to adjust your portfolio. By keeping you and your goals in mind, we will act seamlessly on your behalf to ensure your money is always working for you.

Here are common questions we ask as we walk through the investment planning process:

  • What is the goal of the funds? Are they to be used now or in the future, or would they be funds you want to leave as a legacy?
  • What are the expectations you have for these funds when it comes to risk and reward?
  • What part of your portfolio do the funds we are investing represent? What percentage do they represent in your liquid portfolio and overall portfolio?
  • Are the funds qualified for tax deferral?
  • What is your comfort level with investing, or how much investment expertise do you have?

Investment Services

< $350,000
Assets Under Management
> $350,000
Assets Under Management
Annualized Asset-Based Fee1.2%1.2% - 0.25% *
Portfolio Monitoring
MJT monitors accounts under management to determine if it is appropriate to bring things back into balance. Regular rebalancing to a client's target allocation helps with the "buy low and sell high" principle for investing success, and can ensure that the portfolio stays within the client's tolerance for downside risk.
This is the practice of placing buys, sells and/or exchanges of securities (mutual funds, ETFs, bonds, etc.). MJT has processes in place to ensure the correct trades are placed to avoid costly mistakes that could impact market performance or a client's tax bill.
Capital Gain/Loss Evaluation
In an account that is taxable, there can be tax consequences to buying and selling investments. MJT helps clients understand how making transactions in the account impacts their finances comprehensively and gives them a heads up to any substantial tax consequences as a result.
Investment Policy Statement
IPS is a guiding document that sets out the parameters for how the client's accounts will be managed by MJT. It serves as a point of reference to stay focused on the client's goals, tolerance for risk, and overall financial situation.
Daily Cash Monitoring
Whether it's periodic contributions, rollovers from another account, or a one- time lump sum contribution, money market balances need to be monitored to prevent lost opportunity for the client.
Asset Allocation
MJT helps clients determine the best way to divide investments among different asset categories taking individuals' life goals into account.
Asset Location
MJT will develop a tax-minimizing strategy based on the client's goals by allocating different investments into accounts with varying tax treatments.
Gradually investing a portion of the cash contribution to the account over a period of time based on what is appropriate for the client. With the stock market fluctuating day to day, the process of buying in over time could result in a lower buy-in average, and vice versa.
Periodic Investment Plans
When a client wishes to invest an amount of money periodically (e.g., monthly), MJT sets up a monthly plan to withdraw money from the client's bank account and transfer that to their investment account to be invested.
Periodic Distribution Plans
When a client periodically needs cash from their investment, MJT sets up a distribution plan to transfer money from their investment account to their bank account to provide for their income needs.
Risk Tolerance Updates
As clients near retirement or encounter life events, their risk tolerance may change. MJT regularly requests risk tolerance updates from clients to ensure that the investment mix that was created for the client is still prudent given their new circumstances.
Retirement Projections and Updates
A client's finances, goals and health are constantly changing, requiring periodic retirement plan updates that will inform recommendations.
Education Planning
We will help determine what investment vehicle to use to save for education costs, how much to save, and how to invest those savings.
Cash Flow Planning
A client could have a variety of accounts and income streams. We work with clients to determine the best way to turn various assets in their portfolio into an income stream during retirement.

Financial planning services are available upon request under a separate service agreement.

A separate service agreement would be signed by both parties to outline the scope of the financial planning services and applicable fees.

Tax Planning
We coordinate with allied professionals to communicate the investment income realized and strategize to distribute income in a tax-efficient manner.
Social Security Maximization
We can help determine what benefits a client is entitled to and when is the best time to claim Social Security.
Insurance Analysis
We look at how death, disability, or long-term care needs could affect a client's goals and how insurance should be used in the financial plan.
Financial Planning for Children
Educating and advising young and adult children of the clients regarding financial planning matters.
Real Estate Analysis
Assisting in analyzing a real estate investment such as rental property, purchasing a second home, or other real estate investment.
Retirement Distribution Strategies
Retirement income optimization is a very important part of the financial planning work we do as it can have a substantial impact on the taxability of a client's income as well as how long one's retirement assets can last.
Roth Conversion Analysis
Periodically converting funds from tax-deferred retirement accounts to Roth accounts can decrease the required minimum distributions and lessen the over tax burden upon distribution of funds.
Charitable Giving
Developing strategies to give using tax-efficient methods, determining how much and when to give without impacting a client's other goals are ways we facilitate the charitable giving process.
Estate Planning
MJT will walk clients through estate planning documents, aligning the titling of their assets and listing of their beneficiaries to be consistent throughout.
Business Entity Selection Advice
Working with a client's CPA and attorney, we help them determine the best business structure based on their income tax situation as well as their retirement savings goals.
Relationship Management
Coordination With Outside Professionals
(Tax, Estate, Insurance)
* Annualized Asset-Based Fee is on a sliding scale and is dependent upon total Client Assets Under Management. See ADV Brochure Item 5 for further details.

The initial discovery process has to be thorough, which means we will always complete a financial plan, not just investment management, as part of the services we provide our clients. Your plan, not ours, drives where, how, and what your investment portfolio looks like.

Our portfolio management services offer:

  • ​Risk Management
  • Cost Efficiency and Understanding of Total Investment Costs
  • Transparency to our Clients
  • Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)
  • Target Maximizing Risk-Reward Ratio
  • Most of all, we don't predict the future but manage your investment portfolio against your needs and goals.  
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